MoMA Painting Course

I hope you’re all doing well and staying healthy.

As many of you know, I’m not only a painter but I also work at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York and get to do some fun projects at MoMA from time-to-time. I recently hosted a webinar with three of MoMA’s amazing conservation experts where we discussed the painting techniques and methods used by postwar abstract painters.

Being part of this panel was an extension of my work helping moderate the forum for MoMA’s online course In the Studio: Postwar Abstract Painting. The course has been very popular during the pandemic and covers the materials, techniques and thinking of some of the most famous mid-20th century abstract artists. In the class, students not only watch videos and read about abstract painting but are also using the techniques discussed in the course to make their own paintings.

Anny Aviram, Senior Paintings Conservator, Michael Duffy, Paintings Conservator, Chris McGlinchey, Senior Conservation Scientist, and Alex Roediger, painter ...

I took the course a few years ago and loved it. Here are a few of the paintings I made as I experimented with the techniques taught in the class.