I Don’t Like This


My social media feed would have me believe that sheltering-in-place has given us unlimited time to be creative. I however am as busy as ever, working my MoMA day job from my Brooklyn kitchen table, cooking, cleaning and performing basic chores just to keep my life going. What free time I do have doesn’t come with energy or a creative spirit. My studio is a communal space that I don’t feel safe to visit and I have yet to feel motivated to make art at home when zoning out to T.V. feels vastly more healing at the moment.

It’s depressing not being able to paint or be creative, but being creative feels like a luxury when my life feels so vulnerable and many of my friends are getting sick or losing their jobs.

I think the best part of my days have been when I go outside for a walk or a run. In order to social distance I’ve been visiting the eastern half of my Williamsburg, Brooklyn neighborhood which is an industrial zone and superfund site. I find exploring East Williamsburg relaxing because I don’t have to worry about people on the street and the general vibe is appropriately depressing given the situation.

Since I usually paint romantic and beautiful landscapes it seemed appropriate, given the pandemic and my mood, to share my depressing cityscape photos from my walks.

Wishing you all good health and peace of mind.